Tham khảo Trận_Cajamarca

  1. "That Night, Pedro de Candia, a giant greek who was captain of the artillery, worked on preparing 4 small cannons they had brought on horseback, and also readied the fewer than a dozen harquebuses, primitives muskets...",page 70, The Last Day of The Incas, author Kim MacQuarrie
  2. Diamond(pg. 76)
  3. "Miraculously, in the space of just a few hours, the Spaniards had killed or wounded perhaps six or seven thousands native (some of these of course, had simply been trampled to death), while they themselves hadn't lost a single man" " Spaniard tried to stab Atahualpa with his knife to kill him. But Francisco Pizarro parried the blow and in doing so the Spaniard trying to kill Atahualpa wounded the governor [F. Pizarro] on the hand, The Last Day of the Incas, page 84, Author Kim MacQuarrie

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